Fishing the River Medway
On this page we give some pointers on how, when and where to catch the fish. Much depends on the time of the year, weather, equipment being used and finally and perhaps most importantly, your own ability. Much of the information given has been gleaned from the Bailiffs, who themselves regularly fish the various venues. For the protection of our waters against poaching, we have not identified precisely each venues location.
We own some of the best fishing on the upper Medway including a large weir pool. This water has produced many double figure barbel plus large chub and perch. The water also contains dace, roach, grayling, pike and trout.
Please be aware we have Barbel up to 14lb+, Chub 6lb+ and Perch to 3lb+.
Parking: see Rule book.
Like all rivers, fishes best in the summer months, although good barbel come to the net all year round. Good results by night. Huge shoals of chub and barbel can be seen in May/June before the season starts.

This is a 7lb Sturgeon caught 10th July’20, by Alan Richards.
Species | Method(s) | Comments |
Roach, Perch, Chub, Pike, Barbel, Grayling, Brown trout, Carp |
Ledger & Float | Barbel – boilies (mini to 14); Sweetcorn, maggot, luncheon meat & worm. Found mainly in the deeper holes. Use strong lines as they run to 14 lb. |
Ledger Float | Grayling & Trout - Maggot, worm, fly. Not as common as in previous years but still caught occasionally. | |
Ledger & Float | Roach - Sweetcorn, maggot caster, hemp & bread Bleak - Sweetcorn, maggot caster, hemp & bread |
Ledger & Float |
Perch - Spinning, maggot & worm. Large perch can run to 3 lbs plus | |
Float |
Chub - Luncheon meat, maggot & bread. Can be found all along the river, several caught over 6 lbs in recent years. | |
Float |
Pike - Ledger & wobbled deadbaits; lures. | |
Ledger |
Carp – Boilies (mini to 14); sweetcorn, maggot, luncheon meat & worm Found mainly in the weir pool and the bottom of our downstream banks. |