Fishing the River Eden

Fishing the River Eden

On this page we give some pointers on how, when and where to catch the fish. Much depends on the time of the year, weather, equipment being used and finally and perhaps most importantly, your own ability. Much of the information given has been gleaned from the Bailiffs, who themselves regularly fish the various venues. For the protection of our waters against poaching, we have not identified precisely each venues location.

The River Eden near Penshurst containing chub, roach, barbel, rudd, perch and bream

Please be aware we have Barbel to 10lb+.

Parking: see Rule book.

Roving along the river seems to work better than settling down in one swim all day. Stealthy approach needed for the larger Chub, lots of opportunities in the deeper holes.

Ken P.
Penhurst fishing lake

Penhurst fishing lake

Species Method(s) Comments
Bleak, Rudd, Roach,
Perch, Chub, Pike,
Bream, Tench, Barbel
Ledger & Float Tench – boilies (mini to 14); sweetcorn, maggot, bread & worm. Found mainly in the deeper holes
Ledger Float Barbel - Boilies (mini to 14); luncheon meat. Worm, luncheon meat & bread. Use strong lines as they run to double figures
Ledger & Float Bream - Sweetcorn, maggot caster & worm and combinations of these. Found mainly in the deeper holes.
Ledger & Float
Roach - Sweetcorn, maggot caster, hemp & bread
Rudd - Sweetcorn, maggot caster, hemp & bread
Bleak - Sweetcorn, maggot caster, hemp & bread
Ledger & Float
Perch - spinning, maggot & worm
Chub - Luncheon meat, maggot & bread. Can be found all along the river.
Pike – Ledger & wobbled deadbaits; lures
River Eden fishing bate
River Eden fishing lake Kent
River Eden fishing lakes Kent